115.849 is the square root of 13421 Note: 13421 is not a perfect square and hence the decimal value for square root.
The value of the square root of 2 starts with 1.414. When written as a decimal number, it goes on forever.
It is: 2 times the square root of 22 which is about 9.381 rounded to 3 decimal places
And exponent of -2 represents the square root
To 4 decimal places, it is -1.7321 and 1.7321
115.849 is the square root of 13421 Note: 13421 is not a perfect square and hence the decimal value for square root.
The value of the square root of 2 starts with 1.414. When written as a decimal number, it goes on forever.
It is: 2 times the square root of 22 which is about 9.381 rounded to 3 decimal places
Such that the square root of 363 is equal to 19.05256 (rounded to five decimal places), the square root of -363 is euqal to 19.05256 i. The lower-case letter i represents the square root of minus one, an imaginary number.
And exponent of -2 represents the square root
To 4 decimal places, it is -1.7321 and 1.7321
Neither; it is a non-repeating, non-terminating decimal - it is an irrational value.
Not necessarily. The square root of 2.56 equals 1.6, and the square root of 0.25 equals 0.5, for two examples. If the decimal represents a rational number that is a fraction of two perfect squares, then the square root will be a rational number. The two examples I gave were 2.56 = 256/100, and 0.25 = 1/4.
square it
The number of digits in the square root of a number depends on the number. If it is a square number, the square root will have a finite number of digits. If the number is not a square number then the square root will be an irrational number with an infinite, non-repeating decimal representation. In both cases, the number of digits before the decimal point, in the square root of x will be the rounded value of 1+0.5*log10(x)
3.3 IS THE square ROOT of 11 to one decimal place
The square root of 72 is an irrational number. Since 72 is not a perfect square, the decimal is endless. (just like the value of pi)