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Q: Which decimals represents nineteen thousands?
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How do you write 34.19 in words in desamels?

I am assuming that "desamels" is your attempt at spelling decimals. If you did mean desamels (whatever that is) then this answer is wrong.The answer, for decimals, is thirty four and nineteen hundredths.

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How do you write nineteen tenths in decimals?

19/10 = 1.9

Is nineteen a noun?

Yes, "nineteen" is a noun. It is a cardinal number that represents the quantity of 19.

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2,086 thousands = 2,086,000

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write the following as decimals or mixed decimals. 1.three tenths= 2.six thousands 3.eight ten-thousands hundred twelve thousandths 5.sixty and seventy five thousands

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eleven thousands and fourteen in decimal = 11014.0

How do you write nineteen million in figures?

Nineteen million is written as 19,000,000 in figures. This is because the number 19 represents the millions place, and the remaining zeros account for the hundreds of thousands, tens of thousands, thousands, hundreds, tens, and ones places.

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