It is '2'
19,853,372 Thid number reads 'Nineteen million, eight hundred and fifty three thousand, three hundred and seventy two'.
So '2' has the least value by the fact that it is the smallest number present, and also it is in the 'units' position.
0 has the least face value, 2 has the least place value.
The lowest value digit is 2
The positional place values of digits in negative numbers are in ascending order from least to greatest as for example in the number -987 the least value digit is 9 and the greatest value digit is 7 because -900 < -80 < -7 The positional place values of digits in positive numbers are in descending order from greatest to least as for example in the number 987 the least value digit is 7 and the greatest value digit is 9 because 900 > 80 > 7
The number 8 in that question is the number with the least amount of value (0.008).
The 6
0 has the least face value, 2 has the least place value.
The lowest value digit is 2
It is 9
The positional place values of digits in negative numbers are in ascending order from least to greatest as for example in the number -987 the least value digit is 9 and the greatest value digit is 7 because -900 < -80 < -7 The positional place values of digits in positive numbers are in descending order from greatest to least as for example in the number 987 the least value digit is 7 and the greatest value digit is 9 because 900 > 80 > 7
The negative three-digit number with the least value is -999.