In the number 365217, the digit in the hundred thousand place is 0. The hundred thousand place is the fifth digit from the right in a six-digit number. In this case, the digit in the hundred thousand place is 0, as the number starts with 3 and does not have a digit in the hundred thousand place.
The digit in the thousand place in the number 824167 is 4.
The digit in the thousands place of the number 741256 is the digit 1.
In a two digit number the thousand place is not defined.
The number that matches your criteria is... 998949
2,476,500 The number 7 is in the ten thousandth place. 6 is in the thousandth place.
In the number 365217, the digit in the hundred thousand place is 0. The hundred thousand place is the fifth digit from the right in a six-digit number. In this case, the digit in the hundred thousand place is 0, as the number starts with 3 and does not have a digit in the hundred thousand place.
The digit in the thousand place in the number 824167 is 4.
The digit in the thousands place of the number 741256 is the digit 1.
To round off to nearest thousand: Check the number on hundred place. If the digit > 5 : Add 1 to thousand place digit. **If the digit
In a two digit number the thousand place is not defined.
The number that matches your criteria is... 998949
Twenty thousand two is a numeric representation of the quantity 20,002. In this number, the digit 2 is in the thousands place, the digit 0 is in the hundreds place, the digit 0 is in the tens place, and the digit 2 is in the ones place. This number can also be written in words as "twenty thousand two."
10 thousand
There is no greatest number. Given any number with the digit 3 in the ten thousand place, it is always possible to add a billion (for example). That would still leave the 3 in the ten thousand place but would be a greater number.
To show the number three million two thousand, you would write it as 3,002,000. The comma separates the millions place from the thousands place. In this number, the digit 3 is in the millions place, the digit 0 is in the thousands place, and the digit 2 is in the hundreds place.