It is: 2 and it represents 200,000
The digit 4
In the number 365217, the digit in the hundred thousand place is 0. The hundred thousand place is the fifth digit from the right in a six-digit number. In this case, the digit in the hundred thousand place is 0, as the number starts with 3 and does not have a digit in the hundred thousand place.
One hundred thousand.One hundred thousand.One hundred thousand.One hundred thousand.
4 Six million, four hundred and eighteen thousand, six hundred
It is: 2 and it represents 200,000
The digit 4
three million, two hundred fifty-four thousand, one hundred seven.
In the number 365217, the digit in the hundred thousand place is 0. The hundred thousand place is the fifth digit from the right in a six-digit number. In this case, the digit in the hundred thousand place is 0, as the number starts with 3 and does not have a digit in the hundred thousand place.
To round 58073 to the nearest hundred thousand, we look at the digit in the hundred thousand place, which is 5. Since the digit to the right of 5 is 8, we round up to the next hundred thousand. Therefore, 58073 rounded to the nearest hundred thousand is 60000.
One hundred thousand.One hundred thousand.One hundred thousand.One hundred thousand.
Eighty-six million five hundred thousand in digit form is 86,500,000
4 Six million, four hundred and eighteen thousand, six hundred
A hundred thousand.
Eighty thousand as in ... One hundred and eighty-five thousand, nine hundred