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Q: Which dyinasaurs teeth curved backward?
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Which dinosaur was able to hold it's prey in its mouth firmly due to teeth that curved backward?

Many apex predators evolved to have curved teeth in order to lock their meal firmly into their mouth, allosaurus is an example.

What dinosaur was able to hold its prey in its mouth firmly due to teeth that curved backward?

Many apex predators evolved to have curved teeth in order to lock their meal firmly into their mouth, allosaurus is an example.

How many teeth do snakes have?

Snakes can have anywhere from 50 to 200 teeth, depending on the species. These teeth are sharp and curved backward to help the snake catch and swallow its prey.

What Large goat has backward curved horns?

a billy goat? or maybe a mountain goat.

Do hawks have teeth?

Hawks do not have teeth. They use their sharp talons and curved beaks to tear food before eating it. Birds do not have teeth.

Does a milk snake have teeth?

Milk snakes have smooth and shiny scales and their typical color pattern is alternating bands of red-black-yellow or white-black-red

Why do dentists use mirrors on a curved handle?

They use a curved handle so they could see our "wisdom teeth" in the way back.

Do snakes have curved front teeth to chew their prey?

Snakes do not chew their prey, they swallow them whole. Snakes have curved teeth along the whole length of the mouth to hold prey and keep it from escaping. Some snakes have hollow or grooved teeth for injecting venom.

What do seal's teeth look like?

Seal teeth look very similar to dog teeth in that they are sharp and curved. You can see pictures of seal teeth online at National Geographic.

Which dinosaur was able to hold it's prey in its mouth firmly due to teeth that curved backwards?

Many apex predators evolved to have curved teeth in order to lock their meal firmly into their mouth, allosaurus is an example.

Why do most carnivores have slightly curved front teeth?

So the prey won't escape.

Do white sharks have sharper teeth than blue sharks?

yes white sharks have cutting edges and blue sharks have curved teeth