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Q: Which electromagnetic wave has wavelengths ranging from the size of a printed period to the length of a pen (110-3 to 110-1 meters)?
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Which electromagnetic wave has wavelengths ranging from the size of a printed period to the length of a pen?

The electromagnetic wave that has wavelengths ranging from the size of a printed period to the length of a pen is the radio wave. Radio waves have wavelengths that can vary from meters to kilometers, making them suitable for a wide range of communication technologies such as radio broadcasting and cell phones.

Which electromagnetic wave has wavelengths ranging from the size of a printed period to the length of a pen 110-3 to 110-1 meters?

The electromagnetic wave with wavelengths ranging from 10^-3 to 10^-1 meters is in the microwave region of the spectrum. These waves have frequencies between 300 gigahertz and 3 terahertz.

What is the electromagnetic wave which has longest wave length?

Radio waves have the longest wavelength among the electromagnetic waves. They are used for communication and have wavelengths ranging from a few millimeters to hundreds of meters.

What wave has the longest wave length?

Radio waves have the longest wavelengths among the electromagnetic spectrum, ranging from a few centimeters to thousands of kilometers.

As you move from the blue region of the electromagnetic spectrum to the red region of the electromagnetic spectrum what happens to the wavelengths of the light?

It Increases. Red light has a wave length of about, 620-750 nm. Blue light a wave length of about 450-475 nm

Wavelengths in which position on the electromagnetic spectrum have the lowest energy?

Wavelengths in the radio wave region of the electromagnetic spectrum have the lowest energy. These waves have long wavelengths and low frequencies, making them less energetic compared to other types of electromagnetic radiation like gamma rays or X-rays.

What happens to the wavelengths of light As you move from the blue region of the electromagnetic spectrum to the red region of the electromagnetic spectrum?

It Increases. Red light has a wave length of about, 620-750 nm. Blue light a wave length of about 450-475 nm

What wave has longest wave length?

Radio waves have the longest wavelength among the electromagnetic spectrum, ranging from several meters to kilometers in length.

What wavelengths can the human eye see?

The human eye can see wavelengths ranging from about 380 to 740 nanometers, which corresponds to the visible light spectrum. This encompasses colors from violet to red, with different wavelengths appearing as different colors to the human eye. Beyond these wavelengths, ultraviolet and infrared light cannot be seen by the human eye without special equipment.

What do you observe with the wave length and frequency of the different color?

Different colors have different wavelengths and frequencies in the visible spectrum. As you move from red to violet, the wavelengths decrease and the frequencies increase. Red light has longer wavelengths and lower frequencies, while violet light has shorter wavelengths and higher frequencies. This relationship is described by the electromagnetic spectrum.

Do radiowaves have long or short wave length?

Radio waves typically have long wavelengths ranging from several millimeters to several meters. Their long wavelengths enable them to travel long distances and penetrate obstacles such as buildings, making them useful for communication over long distances.

What wave lengths is closest to the wave length of red light?

The wavelength closest to red light is around 620-750 nanometers, falling within the visible spectrum.