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Q: Which expression means A number minus 4?
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4(3m - 4)

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Imagine the number line. Suppose on the left it starts -6, -5, -4, -3, -2, -1, 0, +1, +2, +3, etc. Let's calculate 2 x (-3). The expression -3 says starting at zero, go left 3 steps. The expression 2 x means do it twice. Where do you finish? -6 If you see why you finish on the left side, you have your answer. What about minus x minus. Let's calculate (-2) x (-3). Again -3 says starting at zero go left 3 steps. The expression -2 x means, no, go the other way instead -- twice. Where do you finish? +6. Minus x minus = plus.

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4*(x - 8)

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How do you factor the expression two m squared minus eight?

2m^2 - 8 -First you should factor out a two. --> 2(m^2-4) -You now have something squared minus something else squared; You have m squared minus 2 squared. Whenever you have something squared minus something squared as you do in this case, there is a simple rule to remember: You can reduce that expression into the quantity of the square root of the first number or variable plus the square root of the second number or variable Times the quantity of the square root of the first number or variable minus the second number or variable squared. --> In the case of your expression: ----> 2(m+2)(m-2)<-----