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Q: Which expression means Kelly's test score increased by 5?
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Why does Martin Luther King use the opening five score years ago in his I have a dream speech?

the expression "five score years ago" is referred to the year 1863 when Lincoln delivered the Gettysburg adress. Five score means one hundred.

Should the base score in bowling be increased if a bowler's average increases to above the base score?


What does 4 score mean?

This has been asked and answered before. Four score is 80. A score is twenty. 4 score means 4x20, as score means a measurement of 20.

What expression is used for opponents didn't score?

In sports this is called a "shutout". It can be as a verb as in we shut them out or they were shut out. To skunk also means to hold scoreless. "to come up empty " means to fail to score in a promising situation. Example: They had the bases loaded but came up empty . "to shut down" also means to "to stop the scoring" The Blues defense shut down the Reds in the second half.

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What does ' score a brace' mean?

It means to score two goals.

What does a positive Z-score mean?

it means that the score is above the mean

Can you get a mortgage if you have about a 600 FICO score and your wife has around a 650 score?

If your credit score is low, your down payment could be increased to compensate for it. Your credit score, yearly income, past repayment history all factor in to a loan acceptance.

When talking about years four score and seven means what?

87. A score is 20yrs.

What does composition in music means?

A musical score or the process of creating a musical score.

What does the score mean in cricket?

it means: when you hit a 1,2,3,4 or 6 its a score