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Q: Which expressions show the volume and the surface area of this cube-shaped packing box?
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What is packing fraction?

Are you referring to the packing factor in Crystallography? This is the proportion of volume taken up by atoms compared to the total volume. See Wikipedia entry for Atomic Packing Factor

What is packing factor?

Packing factor is a dimensionless ratio that describes the amount of volume that a substance takes up in a particular volume. For example, if you have a box and you fill it with balls, the volume of the box is taken up by the balls and by the space in between the balls. The packing factor would be (volume of the balls)/(volume of the box). Packing factor is, among other things, relevant to the arrangement of atoms in different crystallographic structures.

How can you obtain a cell's ratio of surface area to volume?

To obtain the ratio of surface area to volume, divide the surface area by the volume.

What is ratio of surface area to volume?

surface area/ volume. wider range of surface area to volume is better for cells.

How do you calculate the surface-area-to-volume-ratio?

The surface-area-to-volume ratio may be calculated as follows: -- Find the surface area of the shape. -- Find the volume of the shape. -- Divide the surface area by the volume. The quotient is the surface-area-to-volume ratio.

The most effective shape for achieving critical mass is a?

sphere, as it has the smallest surface area for a given volume. This means it can hold the most material in the smallest space, allowing for efficient packing and maximum density.

What is oxygen packing density?

Oxygen packing density refers to the amount of molecular oxygen that can be contained in a given volume or space. It is commonly used in the context of oxygen storage systems, such as oxygen tanks or containers, to determine how much oxygen can be stored in a specific volume. The higher the oxygen packing density, the more oxygen that can be stored in a smaller space.

Does volume surface area have cm square?

Volume does not, surface area does.

How to Converting volume to surface area?

Volume=area * length of that surface

How do you calculate surface area to volume?

surface area divided by volume

What is the surface area to volume ratio?

surface area/ volume. wider range of surface area to volume is better for cells.

How do you compare the surface are to volume ratio of cells of different size?

You need to:* Calculate the surface area * Calculate the volume * Divide the surface area by the volume