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THe factors are the same

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Q: Which factor would be greater - the present value of 1 for 10 periods at 8 percent per period or the future value of 1 for 10 periods at 8 percent per period?
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What is the formula for Present Value Interest Factor?

Present Value Interest Factor, abbreviated as PVIF and is used to simplify present value computations, may be computed as follows: PVIF = 1 / ( ( 1 + r) ^ t) where... r = interest discount rate t = number of periods

What would the present value factor be for sixteen point six five percent over ten years?

== ==

What is the difference between present value interest factors versus future value interest factor?

The Present Value Interest Factor PVIF is used to find the present value of future payments, by discounting them at some specific rate. It decreases the amount. It is always less than oneBut, the Future Value Interest Factor FVIF is used to find the future value of present amounts. It increases the present amount. It is always greater than one.

Is the present value factor the exponent of the future value factor?

The present value factor is the exponent of the future value factor. this is the relationship between Present Value and Future Value.

What is the importance of the quality factor Q of a tuned amplifier?

If quality factor is greater then bandwidth will also greater

Can the greatest common factor of 18 and 36 be greater then 18explain?

No. No number can have a factor greater than itself.

What is the relationship between present value factor and annuity present value factor?

Present value annuity factor calculates the current value of future cash flows. The present value factor is used to describe only the current cash flows.

What is the relationship between the present value factor and annuity present value factor?

Present value annuity factor calculates the current value of future cash flows. The present value factor is used to describe only the current cash flows.

What percent 100 is a factor of 101?

100 is not a factor of 101. 100 is 99 percent of 101.

What is an odd factor of 14 greater than 1?

7 is an odd factor of 14 greater than 1

What is the even number that is greater than 3 and is a factor of 20?

4 is greater than 3 and is a factor of 20.