This number already is expressed as a decimal.This number already is expressed as a decimal.This number already is expressed as a decimal.This number already is expressed as a decimal.
Here are some international units of measurement:Mass is expressed in kilograms.Length and distance is expressed in meters.Time is expressed in seconds.Electrical current is expressed in amperes.Speed is expressed in meters/second.
Directions are expressed as units of
1.10 is already expressed in decimal.
0.00653 expressed as a percentage = 0.653%
i guess like ''he was chuckling over there in the Corner ''
physical companion
You are: * moderately expressed extravert* moderately expressed intuitive personality* distinctively expressed feeling personality* moderately expressed perceiving personalityYour Type isENFP Extraverted Intuitive Feeling Perceiving Strength of the preferences % 33 25 75 44
it is simply love. it is the dominant feeling expressed in the story.
Chuckled is a past tense verb.
I scream whenever I see a monkey chuckling I wince whenever I see a belt buckling I blush whenever I see a pig suckling I cry whenever I see an Ugly Duckling
They paint according to how they are feeling at the time.
Benjamin Franklin
"Savoring and chuckling over Esther" likely refers to taking pleasure in and finding humor in the biblical story of Esther. Savoring can imply enjoying or appreciating the details and nuances of the story, while chuckling suggests finding amusement or light-heartedness in certain aspects of the narrative. Overall, this phrase may indicate a deep engagement with and enjoyment of the story of Esther.
Expressed facts or events in ways that changed based on emotion, feeling, or understanding