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a square

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Q: Which figure is formed by the intersection of a cube and a plane which is perpendicular to four of the cubes sides?
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What figure is formed by the intersection of this cube and the plane and is perpendicular to four of the cubes sides?


What is the maximum number of separate interior regions that can be formed by the intersection of two equal cubes?

17 - each of the 8 point out corners on the two cubes and the middle section

What is intersection of solids?

The intersection of two or more solids can either be an empty set, a point (two cones "intersecting" apex-to-apex), a line (two cubes touching along one edge), a face (two cubes, face-to-face). If the solids are "filled", the overlapping intersection will be another solid. If they are hollow, it will be a closed three dimensional figure.

If figure 1 has 3 cubes figure 2 has 10 cubes figure 3 has 29 cubes and figure 4 has 66 cubes how many cubes will figure 10 have?

This is a nth term question. The formula for this is: n³ + 2 So, replace the n with 10: 10³ +2 = 1002

How many parallel and perpendicular faces do cubes have?

hi is is lucy wood

What is the volume of a solid figure that was 3 cubes long 2 cubes wide and 6 cubes high?

That depends on the exact shape of the figure. If it is a rectangular block, just multiply the three numbers.

How do you figure cubes?

awsome i,m on tv

What does edges and vertices have in common?

Not much, other than they both can be parts of a 3-dimensional figure. "Vertices" is plural of "vertex", which is a point. The vertex of an angle, for example, is the point of intersection between two lines. 2-dimensional and 3-dimensional figures can have vertices. An "edge", however, is a line segment, and only 3-dimensional figures (cubes, pyramids, etc) can have edges. An edge is the intersection of two sides of a figure.

Which solid figure has six faces?

cubes and cuboids

How many cubes are formed in chess board?


How many ice cubes does it take to equal 1oz of water?

figure it out

How do you figure out a rubix cubes?

Type 'rubik's cube solution in google!