The five Scandinavian countries are Denmark, Sweden, Norway, Iceland and Finland.
No. The greatest common divisor for 15 and 20 is five. Five is a prime number.
The value of the greatest integer is 76. This occurs when the set of five consecutive integers is all even numbers.
The five largest cities in the Ivory Coast based on population from greatest-to-least are...AbidjanBouakeDaolaYamoussoukroKorhogo
Europe has the greatest incidence of population shrinkage among continents, with many countries experiencing declining birth rates and an aging population.
The top five are:ChinaIndiaUnited StatesIndonesiaBrazil
The country with the greatest population density is Bangladesh, followed by Taiwan and South Korea. Both India and China have lower population densities compared to these countries.
California, New York, Florida
Asia has the largest Muslim population
Asia has the greatest population of any continent in the world, with over 4.6 billion people residing there. This is due to its large land area and diverse countries with high population densities such as China and India.
The top five countries by population are China, India, United States, Indonesia, and Pakistan.
In 2002, only three countries had a population of over 150 million: China, India, and the United States.
The five countries in Asia with the highest population density are: Bangladesh, South Korea, Lebanon, Taiwan, and Japan.
what are the countries with the greatest number of scientist
Moscow has the greatest population in Europe.