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There is no exact formula to find the area of a parallelogram

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It all depends on what information you do have. If you know the base length, B, and the vertical height, H, then the area is B*H square units.

If you don't know H but know an angle then some trigonometry will enable you to find H.

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Q: Which formula should you use to find the area of a parallelogram?
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The area formula for the parallelogram is related to the area formula for a rectangle because you can make the parallelogram into a rectangle to find the area.

How do you find out the area of a parallelogram?

A formula is needed to find the area of a parallelogram. It is a very simple formula which notates Area = base x height.

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The formula to find the surface area of a parallelogram is Base*Height.

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How do you find area of a parallagram?

In order to find the area of parallelogram is found by knowing the area formula. The formula is A=b(base) multiplied by H(height).

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The formula for the area of a parallelogram: Base times Height (BH)

What is the formula to find the area of a parallelogram?

tHe FoRmUlA iS bAsE tImEs HeIgHt!

Find the area of parallelogram?

To find the area of a parallelogram, multiply the length of the base by the height. The height should be perpendicular to the base.

What are the formula will you use to find the area of parallelogram?

Area = Base x Height A = B x H

Why the formula to find the area of a parallelogram is the same as the formula to find the area of a rectangle?

of course base times height for a square or rectangle. but for a trapezoid a= h x "b1+b2"

What is the formula for the perimeter and area of a parallelogram?

To find the ara of a parrllelogram is base x height or a=bxh

How do you the area of a parrellogram?

To find the area of a parallelogram, multiply the base length by the height of the parallelogram. The formula for the area of a parallelogram is A = base * height.