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The United States, Great Britain, France and Japan.

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Q: Which four powers agreed to the Four Power Treaty of 1921?
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The signatories of the 5 power treaty at the Washington conference in 1921 agreed to limit the size of their?


Where was signed the four power pacific treaty in 1921 in Washington?

all the answers are correct,(:

Who signed the Four Power Pacific Treaty in 1921 in Washington DC?

all are correct

At the Washington Conference 1921 the U.S. proposed and obtained a treaty to?

Pervent a naval arms race among the major world powers.

What treaty was signed in 1921?

treaty of ankara

What is the name of the treaty that split the republican movement?

The Anglo Irish Treaty of 1921

Which nation rejected the Treaty of Versailles negotiating its own peace agreement with Germany in 1921?

The United States, rejected the Treaty of Versailles in 1921.

What did the major naval powers agree to go at the washitgon naval conference?

They agreed to the Washington Naval Treaty, which led to an effective end to building new battleship fleets and those few ships that were built were limited in size and armament. It was held from November 12, 1921 to February 6, 1922

You know in 1921 the us congress formally ended world war 1 w the central powers by passing a joint resolution but when did the us finally sign the treaty of Versailles?

The U.S never ratified the Treaty of Versailles, President Wilson, although having assisted to compose the treaty, simply did not have enough political influence in U.S. congress. This resulted in the U.S. never signing the Treaty of Versailles and never joining the League of Nations, the U.S. did however, agree to a separate peace treaty with Germany in August 1921 named the Treaty of Berlin.

What actors and actresses appeared in Treaty 1921 - 2011?

The cast of Treaty 1921 - 2011 includes: Donncha Crowley as Robert Barton Ross Flannery as Arthur Griffith

Anglo-Irish Treaty - how long did the negotiations last?

11th of October 1921 to the 6th of December 1921.

When was Richard M. Powers born?

Richard M. Powers was born in 1921.