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Q: Which function finds the smallest number in a set of values?
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what- leona keeps the stones she finds in a triangular display case. what are the values of x and y?


What is the difference between differential and differentiation?

A differential is the result gained when mathematical differentiation is applied to a function. Differentiation in maths is the function which finds the gradient of a function in terms of x. Differentiation in biology is the specialisation of unspecialised cells such as stem cells into active cells.

Which operator finds the remainder of integer division?

The modulo (shortened to mod) finds the remainder of the division, while the div function finds integer division. Therefore, because 10 / 3 is equal to 3 remainder 1, 10 mod 3 is equal to 1, the remainder of the sum. In some programming languages this is written as %, for example, in Java or C the result of 10 % 3 would be 1.

To find square root of a nos without using built in function?

/*Java program to find out square root of a given number * without using any Built-In Functions */ public class SquareRootDemo2 { public static void main(String[] args) { //Number for which square root is to be found double number = -12; //This method finds out the square root findSquareRoot(number); } /*This method finds out the square root without using any built-in functions and displays it */ public static void findSquareRoot(double number) { boolean isPositiveNumber = true; double g1; //if the number given is a 0 if(number==0) { System.out.println("Square root of "+number+" = "+0); } //If the number given is a -ve number else if(number<0) { number=-number; isPositiveNumber = false; } //Proceeding to find out square root of the number double squareRoot = number/2; do { g1=squareRoot; squareRoot = (g1 + (number/g1))/2; } while((g1-squareRoot)!=0); //Displays square root in the case of a positive number if(isPositiveNumber) { System.out.println("Square roots of "+number+" are "); System.out.println("+"+squareRoot); System.out.println("-"+squareRoot); } //Displays square root in the case of a -ve number else { System.out.println("Square roots of -"+number+" are "); System.out.println("+"+squareRoot+" i"); System.out.println("-"+squareRoot+" i"); } } }

What is the auto sum button in Exel?

The autosum button will insert the function "=sum(...)" and suggest (highlight) a range it finds most likely - usually adjacent cells above, or to the left, of the cell where you insert the formula.

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What does the MEDIAN function do in Excel?

The median is a form of average. It finds the middle value of the list of values in numerical order if there is an odd number of values. If there is an even number of values, if uses the value halfway between the two middle values.The median is a form of average. It finds the middle value of the list of values in numerical order if there is an odd number of values. If there is an even number of values, if uses the value halfway between the two middle values.The median is a form of average. It finds the middle value of the list of values in numerical order if there is an odd number of values. If there is an even number of values, if uses the value halfway between the two middle values.The median is a form of average. It finds the middle value of the list of values in numerical order if there is an odd number of values. If there is an even number of values, if uses the value halfway between the two middle values.The median is a form of average. It finds the middle value of the list of values in numerical order if there is an odd number of values. If there is an even number of values, if uses the value halfway between the two middle values.The median is a form of average. It finds the middle value of the list of values in numerical order if there is an odd number of values. If there is an even number of values, if uses the value halfway between the two middle values.The median is a form of average. It finds the middle value of the list of values in numerical order if there is an odd number of values. If there is an even number of values, if uses the value halfway between the two middle values.The median is a form of average. It finds the middle value of the list of values in numerical order if there is an odd number of values. If there is an even number of values, if uses the value halfway between the two middle values.The median is a form of average. It finds the middle value of the list of values in numerical order if there is an odd number of values. If there is an even number of values, if uses the value halfway between the two middle values.The median is a form of average. It finds the middle value of the list of values in numerical order if there is an odd number of values. If there is an even number of values, if uses the value halfway between the two middle values.The median is a form of average. It finds the middle value of the list of values in numerical order if there is an odd number of values. If there is an even number of values, if uses the value halfway between the two middle values.

What is the use and purpose of the function which is average and sum in Ms Excel spreadsheets?

The SUM function can total up ranges of cells, or individual cells or values. For example, to sum the values in all the cells from A2 to A20, you could do it like this:=SUM(A2:A20)The AVERAGE function gets an average that is known as the arithmetic mean. It adds up all the values and divides by the number of values it finds. It can be used in the same way as SUM can be, like this:=AVERAGE(A2:A20)The SUM function can total up ranges of cells, or individual cells or values. For example, to sum the values in all the cells from A2 to A20, you could do it like this:=SUM(A2:A20)The AVERAGE function gets an average that is known as the arithmetic mean. It adds up all the values and divides by the number of values it finds. It can be used in the same way as SUM can be, like this:=AVERAGE(A2:A20)The SUM function can total up ranges of cells, or individual cells or values. For example, to sum the values in all the cells from A2 to A20, you could do it like this:=SUM(A2:A20)The AVERAGE function gets an average that is known as the arithmetic mean. It adds up all the values and divides by the number of values it finds. It can be used in the same way as SUM can be, like this:=AVERAGE(A2:A20)The SUM function can total up ranges of cells, or individual cells or values. For example, to sum the values in all the cells from A2 to A20, you could do it like this:=SUM(A2:A20)The AVERAGE function gets an average that is known as the arithmetic mean. It adds up all the values and divides by the number of values it finds. It can be used in the same way as SUM can be, like this:=AVERAGE(A2:A20)The SUM function can total up ranges of cells, or individual cells or values. For example, to sum the values in all the cells from A2 to A20, you could do it like this:=SUM(A2:A20)The AVERAGE function gets an average that is known as the arithmetic mean. It adds up all the values and divides by the number of values it finds. It can be used in the same way as SUM can be, like this:=AVERAGE(A2:A20)The SUM function can total up ranges of cells, or individual cells or values. For example, to sum the values in all the cells from A2 to A20, you could do it like this:=SUM(A2:A20)The AVERAGE function gets an average that is known as the arithmetic mean. It adds up all the values and divides by the number of values it finds. It can be used in the same way as SUM can be, like this:=AVERAGE(A2:A20)The SUM function can total up ranges of cells, or individual cells or values. For example, to sum the values in all the cells from A2 to A20, you could do it like this:=SUM(A2:A20)The AVERAGE function gets an average that is known as the arithmetic mean. It adds up all the values and divides by the number of values it finds. It can be used in the same way as SUM can be, like this:=AVERAGE(A2:A20)The SUM function can total up ranges of cells, or individual cells or values. For example, to sum the values in all the cells from A2 to A20, you could do it like this:=SUM(A2:A20)The AVERAGE function gets an average that is known as the arithmetic mean. It adds up all the values and divides by the number of values it finds. It can be used in the same way as SUM can be, like this:=AVERAGE(A2:A20)The SUM function can total up ranges of cells, or individual cells or values. For example, to sum the values in all the cells from A2 to A20, you could do it like this:=SUM(A2:A20)The AVERAGE function gets an average that is known as the arithmetic mean. It adds up all the values and divides by the number of values it finds. It can be used in the same way as SUM can be, like this:=AVERAGE(A2:A20)The SUM function can total up ranges of cells, or individual cells or values. For example, to sum the values in all the cells from A2 to A20, you could do it like this:=SUM(A2:A20)The AVERAGE function gets an average that is known as the arithmetic mean. It adds up all the values and divides by the number of values it finds. It can be used in the same way as SUM can be, like this:=AVERAGE(A2:A20)The SUM function can total up ranges of cells, or individual cells or values. For example, to sum the values in all the cells from A2 to A20, you could do it like this:=SUM(A2:A20)The AVERAGE function gets an average that is known as the arithmetic mean. It adds up all the values and divides by the number of values it finds. It can be used in the same way as SUM can be, like this:=AVERAGE(A2:A20)

How does the highvalue function in Excel work?

Excel does not have a HIGHVALUE function. It does have a MAX function that finds the largest number in a range.The MAX function returns the largest value from the numbers provided.MAX(number1,number2,...number_n)number1, number2, ... number_n are numeric values - they can be numbers, named ranges, arrays, or references to numbers. There can be up to 30 values entered.

A statistical function commonly used to describe a group of data and which finds the middle value in a group of values that has as many valus above it in the group as are below it is the what function?


What does the NPV function do in Excel?

You use the NPV function. Start by specifying the rate and follow it with a list of future values that you want to help determine your result. So you could have something like this:=NPV(5%,10,20)

What would the function MODE in Excel tell us?

The MODE function finds the most commonly occurring number in a range of numbers.

What function finds the average of a range of cells?

The AVERAGE function.

What function finds the smallest value in a list of numbers in Excel?

You can use the MIN function or you can use the SMALL function, using 1 as the second argument in it. So to find the lowest value in the cells from A2 to A16 the function choices are: =MIN(A2:A16) =SMALL(A2:A16,1) MIN would be more commonly used for the lowest value, but using SMALL you can get the second smallest by changing the 1 to 2, or the third lowest by using 3 and so on.

What does the 'MOD' function do in Excel?

The MOD function finds a modulus. That is the remainder when you divide one number into another. So if you divide 10 by 3, you would get a remainder of 1. To do that with the MOD function, you enter it as: =MOD(10,3)

What kind of function finds the middle value?

The median.Median Value

Do adolescents finds a conflicts between parental and peer values?

Adolescents will always find conflict between parental and peer values.

What Excel function finds the position of an item in a table?

The MATCH function can find the position of an item in a table.