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Q: Which graph representation allows the most efficient determination of the existence of a particular edge in a graph?
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What is the Purpose of the table of content?

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The table of contents is in existence to assist the reader in finding a particular chapter of a book for easier and more efficient navigation of the material.

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Entity could be anything which is perceived to have a distinct and separate existence (living or non-living). The basic object that the ER model represents is an entity. An entity is a thing in the real world with an independent existence. An entity may be an object with a physical existence or it may be an object with a conceptual existence. Each entity has attributes- the particular properties that describe it. A particular entity will have a value for each of its attributes.

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When a particular species ceases to exist, that species has gone extinct. An extinct species has no living family members.

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What is false representation under the ASIC act?

Long answer: AUSTRALIAN SECURITIES AND INVESTMENTS COMMISSION ACT 2001 - SECT 12DB False or misleading representations: (1) A person must not, in trade or commerce, in connection with the supply or possible supply of financial services, or in connection with the promotion by any means of the supply or use of financial services: (a) falsely represent that services are of a particular standard, quality, value or grade; or (b) falsely represent that a particular person has agreed to acquire services; or (c) represent that services have sponsorship, approval, performance characteristics, uses or benefits they do not have; or (d) represent that the person has a sponsorship, approval or affiliation it does not have; or (e) make a false or misleading representation with respect to the price of services; or (f) make a false or misleading representation concerning the need for any services; or (g) make a false or misleading representation concerning the existence, exclusion or effect of any condition, warranty, guarantee, right or remedy. ************************************************** Short answer: Don't lie.

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Magnetic field lines do not have physical existence or substance; they are a visual representation of the magnetic field direction and strength. They are not tangible lines that can be touched or seen.

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To make something appear, you need to physically bring it into existence or manifest it. This could involve creating or constructing the object, generating a visual representation, or producing a sensory experience.

What is the purpose of a table of contents?

The table contents mean`s that you can see all the page`s you want to see or to find some story on it.

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Well as i think..There is no speciality that makes hotels particular to city instead their existence in particular city makes them particular hotel so called city hotel. Like in world of web Oberoi Delhi hotel( it partricular for delhi for Oberoi hotels.

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