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Q: Which group believes the workers should own the means of production and equally divide their profits?
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What increased production and led to greater profits and a demand for more workers?

steam-powered machinery

Who decides how much to pay workers and how to use profits in socialism?

In Socialism, the State or Central Government decides all in regards to business and production. Under a system of social ownership, means of production including the amount workers are paid, who they sell to and any other business decisions are the responsibility to the government.

Who believed that workers should own the means of production and equal l divide to profits?

Karl Marx, wrote about this in Das Kapital and other writings such as the Communist Manifesto.

Economic profits in an industry suggest the industry?

economic profits in a industry suggest the industry

Which sociological perspective would be most likely to suggest that multinational corporations exploit local workers to maximize profits?

The conflict perspective would be most likely to suggest that multinational corporations exploit local workers to maximize profits. This perspective views society as being marked by inequality and believes that powerful groups will take advantage of less powerful ones to maintain dominance and control resources.

What is downsizing strategy and its effects on businesses?

A downsizing strategy refers to reducing the general production of a business. This will have negative effects on businesses profits are also reduced and workers also lose their jobs.

During the 1700s the textile industry became one of the first to use steam-powered machinery. This technological innovation increased production and led to?

This technology led to greater profits and a demand for more workers.

How many production workers were there in the public building and related furniture industry in 2000?

Production workers accounting for 29,723 positions in that figure. The average hourly wage for production workers in the industry was $12.32.

Did Hitler believe that workers should share company profits?

I rather doubt it. See, Hitler's NAZI (National Socialist) party were fascists, directly opposed to the communist movement. Giving workers a share in the means of production would have been a communist position, and so likely opposed by the Nazis.

Why factory managers are paid more than production workers?

why are factory managres paid more than production line workers

What do business do when there is increase in demand?

when there is an increase in demand the business increases their scale of production by supplyig more of a product in the market at a lower price.this not only helps them to earn profit but also reduces their cost of production because production is taking on a large scale and at a same time.higher profits means higher returns to the shareholder as well to the workers,employees and labourers.

The cycle in which money changed hands resulted in profits for businesses and salaries for workers.?
