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Q: Which group needed easier access to public buildings to have equal rights?
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What is public document?

Means it's not private information-probably public records anyone can access without your consent needed

What types of permissions are needed for shared documents?

The types of permissions that are needed for shared documents are "shared access." In other words, a shared document needs to be set to "public" access.

Segregation of public buildings in Columbia SC?

There are no segregated public (government) buildings in Columbia SC.

When was Public Access created?

Public Access was created in 1993.

What were the temples in Rome made of?

with lime stone

Does the ADA mandate wheelchair ramps in all government buildings?

Yes, ramps are required in all government buildings, and in many cases, all buildings of public access. Individual states tend to have their own regulations concerning number and construction, which may deviate slightly from the base-specifications of the ADA.

What is a public buildings?

One owned by or open to (used by) the public.

What is the duration of Public Access?

The duration of Public Access is 1.5 hours.

What does tax money help to build?

Public property - roads; public buildings like schools, libraries, and other muncipal buildings.

Is public school easier than catholic?

it really depends what public school it is, but usually public schools are easier.

Why would the cooperative change to a public limited company?

In the public limited company the chances of expansion is better and easier. They can go to public and invite stock and expand their capital As the transparency is good in a public limited company they get access to buying supplies and machinery on credit and easy terms.

What are some human features for a dense population?

In densely packed cities you'll see that there are taller than average buildings. There is usually more access to public transportation and niche shops.