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Q: Which has a smaller field magnifies to a greater extent?
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How is the strength of an electric field indicated with electric field lines?

Given a positive charge the electric field lines are drawn starting from the charge and pointing radially outward, ending in principle at infinity, according to the electric field strength being proportional to the inverse square of distance. From the definition of electric field we know that the modulous of the electric field is greater for smaller distances from the field generating charge. Since the electric field lines point radially outward we consider the density of lines an indication of the strength of the electirc field. If we immagine to trace a circle around the electric field generating charge, of radius slightly greater than the radius of the object which holds the charge and therefore generates the electric field, such circle will be crossed by a number 'n' of lines. The density of lines crossing the cirle will then be the circumference of the circle divided by the number 'n' of lines. For a larger circle we will have a greater circumference, but same number of lines 'n', and therefore a smaller density of lines crossing it, which idicates a lower intesity of electric field for a greater distance from the charge.

What are synonyms for compass?

range, field, area, reach, scope, limit, extent, boundary

What are symbols that evaluate each field value to determine if it is the same or in between a range values as specified by the criteria?

less than (<) and greater than (>)

What is 3 inches in cups?

we need more information. If you were collecting something in a water bottle then three inches would be smaller then lets say a container full of 3 inches of water the size of a football field. Does this make since?

Is feet greater than or less than yards?

3ft = 1yd 1ft = (1/3)yd A foot is one third of a yard, therefore it is less than a yard in length. its less than... just think of a football field

Related questions

Does low power or high power have a smaller field but magnifies to a greater extent?

Low power magnifies to a smaller extent and has a wider field of view, while high power magnifies to a greater extent but has a smaller field of view.

What happens to Field of View when you change from low power to oil immersion high power?

When you change from low power to oil immersion high power on a microscope, the field of view decreases. This is because high power objectives have a narrower field of view due to higher magnification, leading to a more detailed but smaller area being visible through the lens.

Why is the depth of field greater and the image sharper when a camera lens is stopped down to a larger f-number?

See the answer to "Why do you get a greater depth of field from a smaller aperture"There's also a great article on it at:

What is an electromagnetic wave affected by?

Electrical field - to a large extent. Gravity - to a lesser extent.

How is the strength of an electric field indicated with electric field lines?

Given a positive charge the electric field lines are drawn starting from the charge and pointing radially outward, ending in principle at infinity, according to the electric field strength being proportional to the inverse square of distance. From the definition of electric field we know that the modulous of the electric field is greater for smaller distances from the field generating charge. Since the electric field lines point radially outward we consider the density of lines an indication of the strength of the electirc field. If we immagine to trace a circle around the electric field generating charge, of radius slightly greater than the radius of the object which holds the charge and therefore generates the electric field, such circle will be crossed by a number 'n' of lines. The density of lines crossing the cirle will then be the circumference of the circle divided by the number 'n' of lines. For a larger circle we will have a greater circumference, but same number of lines 'n', and therefore a smaller density of lines crossing it, which idicates a lower intesity of electric field for a greater distance from the charge.

Why to start with 4x objective rather than higher power?

Starting with a 4x objective allows for a larger field of view and greater depth of field, making it easier to locate and focus on the specimen. Higher power objectives have a smaller field of view and shallower depth of field, which can make it challenging to find and keep the specimen in focus.

Do all planets have the same gravitational field strength as earth?

No, the gravitational field strength on each planet depends on its mass and radius. For example, Jupiter has a stronger gravitational field than Earth due to its larger mass, while Mars has a weaker gravitational field because it is smaller and less massive than Earth.

The greater the mass of an object the greater the objects?

acceleration will be when a force is applied to it. This relationship is described by Newton's Second Law of Motion, which states that the acceleration of an object is directly proportional to the force applied to it and inversely proportional to its mass. This means that a larger mass will require a greater force to accelerate at the same rate as a smaller mass.

What happens to the field of view in a compound in a compound light microscope when the total magnification is increased?

The field of view becomes smaller when magnification increases.

Which is better greater focal length or smaller?

It depends on the specific needs of the photographer. A greater focal length is better for capturing distant subjects and achieving a shallower depth of field, while a smaller focal length is better for capturing wider scenes and fitting more into the frame. Each has its own advantages depending on the desired outcome of the photograph.

What are synonyms for compass?

range, field, area, reach, scope, limit, extent, boundary

Is a softball smaller than a cricket ball?

Golf balls must weigh less than 45.93g and have a diameter greater than 42.67mm. A cricket ball has to weigh between 155.9g and 163g, and have a circumference between 22.4cm and 22.9. The cricket ball is bigger.