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A solid has stronger attractions than a gas, assuming all else (including temperature) is equal. If the gas had stronger attractions, its particles would be in contact with each other.

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Q: Which has stronger attractions among its submicroscopic particles a solid at 25 degrees C or a gas at 25 degrees C?
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Which has stronger attractions among its submicroscopic particles a solid at 25 degrees Celsius or a gas at 25 degrees Celsius?

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Which has stronger attractions among its submicroscopic particles a solid at 25 degrees Celsius or a gas 25 degrees Celsius?

A solid at 25 degrees Celsius would have stronger attractions among its submicroscopic particles compared to a gas at the same temperature. In a solid, the particles are closely packed together and have strong intermolecular forces, leading to less movement and a more ordered structure. On the other hand, in a gas, the particles are far apart, have weaker intermolecular forces, and move freely in random directions.

Which has a stronger attraction among its submicroscopic particles- a solid at 25 degrees Celsius or a gas at 25 degrees Celsius?

In solids the attraction is stronger.

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Which has stronger attraction among its submicroscopic particles- a solid at 25 degrees Celsius or a gas at 25 degrees Celsius?


What is the meaning of heat and heat transfer?

Heat is actually a randomized kinetic energy, an energy of motion in other words, that exists on the very fine, microscopic or submicroscopic level of atoms and molecules. A motionless solid object, such as a rock sitting on your desk, still contains motion on the atomic level; the atoms are vibrating in place. If they are not, the rock would be ridiculously cold (minus 273 degrees Celsius). Heat transfer is a process by which the moving particles collide with other particles and transfer some of their kinetic energy to those other particles, which thereby become hotter.

At sea level water boils at 100 degrees Celsius while methane boils at negative 161 degrees Celsius Which has a stronger attraction between particles?

Water has a stronger attraction between its particles compared to methane. This is evident in the higher boiling point of water, as the stronger intermolecular forces require more energy to break the bonds between water molecules. Methane, being a lighter molecule, has weaker intermolecular forces which results in a lower boiling point.

What is the mercury's motion particles as it's heated from 45 degrees Celsius to 365 degrees Celsius?

As mercury is heated from 45 degrees Celsius to 365 degrees Celsius, its particles will gain energy and move faster. This increased thermal energy causes the particles to vibrate more quickly and spread out, leading to an expansion in volume. At the higher temperature, the motion of mercury particles will be more rapid and chaotic compared to when it was at 45 degrees Celsius.

Which property of an objects particles is temperature?

Temperature is a physical property measured in Kelvin degrees or Celsius degrees.

What is the temperature at which the motion of particles theoretically ceases is?

The temperature at which the motion of particles theoretically ceases is absolute zero, which is 0 Kelvin or -273.15 degrees Celsius. At this temperature, particles have the lowest possible energy and cease all movement.

In steam at 110 degrees Celsius do particles move the most rapidly?

Yes, in a substance like steam at 110 degrees Celsius, the particles move most rapidly due to the high temperature causing increased kinetic energy. This leads to faster movement and more collisions between particles.

What temp is 0 degrees Kelvin?

0 degrees Kelvin is equal to -273.15 degrees Celsius. It is the lowest possible temperature at which particles stop moving.