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Q: Which hypothesis is best examined with a correlation analysis?
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What are the trends of a line?

They can be positive correlation, negative correlation or no correlation depending on 'line of best fit'

What is the correlation on a graph?

a correlation on a graph is when the line of best fit is positive, negative or none.

What argument is the best example of logos?

One of the best examples of logos is a statistical analysis that shows a correlation between smoking and lung cancer. This argument relies on factual data and logical reasoning to support the claim that smoking increases the risk of getting lung cancer.

What is the similarities between correlation analysis and regression analysis?

Correlation analysis seeks to establish whether or not two variables are correlated. That is to say, whether an increase in one is accompanied by either an increase (or decrease) in the other most of the time. It is a measure of the degree to which they change together. Regression analysis goes further and seeks to measure the extent of the change. Using statistical techniques, a regression line is fitted to the observations and this line is the best measure of how changes in one variable affect the other variable. Although the first of these variables is frequently called an independent or even explanatory variable, and the second is called a dependent variable, the existence of regression does not imply a causal relationship.

What would be the best thing to do if you run an experiment and find out the hypothesis is incorrect?

Reject the hypothesis.

Can you provide an example of a weak positive correlation?

You can find examples by typing it in to Google. Weak positive correlation is a set of points on a graph that are loosely set around the line of best fit. The line will be positive rising up from left to right. A weak correlation can vary a lot as long as you can decipher which direction the data tends towards you have a correlation. If the points are close to the line of best fit you have a strong correlation and with a set of points perfectly lined up is perfect correlation. All three types can positive negative or perfect.

How to make a hypothesis?

The best way to make a hypothesis is to educate yourself on the topic. Then develop a question that you can answer.

which scenario best illustrates the concept of illusory correlation?

A person believes cell phones cause cancer despite scientific studies finding no correlation between them.

What is the difference between correlation and regression?

correlation we can do to find the strength of the variables. but regression helps to fit the best line

A system is best to use when refining your hypothesis?


The best description of a hypothesis?

an educated guess