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Q: Which instrument can help in collecting accurate data when perfoming a ground based field surveying?
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How can errors occur when collecting data?

One the biggest errors that could occur while collecting data is that people who are giving the information could not give accurate answers and the investigation could be jeopardized.

Can the last digit of a measurement using the verniercliper be estimated?

Yes, but then there is no point in using an instrument that is that accurate!

What is the difference between an error as a percentage of full scale or an error as a percentage of reading?

Error as a percentage of full scale is established by multiplying the error percentage by the full scale flow. The less you flow through the device the less accurate the reading will be. For that reason, you don't want to get a larger device than you need. Devices with error expressed as a percentage of full scale are most accurate when flowing at full scale.Error expressed as a percentage of reading expresses error as a percentage of what the device is actually flowing. Simply, if a instrument's accuracy is rated to +/-1% of reading an instrument will be accurate to +/-1% of whatever the instrument is flowing. At 100SLPM the instrument will be accurate to within +/-1SLPM, and at 10SLPM of flow the unit will be accurate to within +/-.1SLPM.

What is a digital caliper?

An extremely accurate device used as an instrument for measuring the distance between two points. Often used in machining.

What problems occur when collecting weather data manually?

You might receive anonymous results (incorrect data). By using Automated weather equipment, the results will be more accurate.

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What is the most accurate method used to determine where the maas trailers are positioned?

optical surveying instrument

What is the preferred and most accurate method used to align the MAAS trailers and LWFB?

optical surveying instrument

What is Line of Collimation in surveying?

The line of collimation in surveying is an imaginary line that extends from the objective lens of a surveying instrument to the crosshairs in the telescope. It helps ensure the instrument is properly aligned and level for accurate measurements. By keeping the line of collimation straight and horizontal, surveyors can minimize errors in their readings.

What is spot level in surveying?

Spot level in surveying refers to the process of recording the elevation at a specific point on the ground using a leveling instrument. This information helps in creating accurate topographic maps and is crucial for construction projects to ensure proper grading and drainage.

Is surveying still used?

Yes, surveying is still widely used in various industries such as construction, civil engineering, land development, urban planning, and environmental assessment. Surveying helps in determining property boundaries, creating maps, planning infrastructure projects, and collecting valuable data for decision-making. The advancement of technology, including GPS and LiDAR, has modernized surveying methods, making it more efficient and accurate.

Why is levelling important in surveying?

Leveling in surveying is important to get an accurate measurement. The rise and fall of the grade will cause the measurements to be off, resulting in an inaccurate measurement of plots of land.

What is line of sight used in survey?

In surveying, line of sight is used to establish a straight line between two points for accurate measurement and mapping. It ensures that the surveyor has a clear and unobstructed view between the instrument and the target point, allowing for precise data collection. Line of sight is crucial for maintaining accuracy and consistency in surveying measurements.

Can an instrument be accurate and sensitive?


Why The tilting level requires adjustment for collimation error only?

The purpose of adjusting the tilting level is to ensure that the line of sight is horizontal and remains accurate despite any collimation errors that may occur. By correcting for collimation error, the leveling instrument can provide accurate and reliable measurements for various surveying and construction applications. Adjusting only for collimation error helps maintain the integrity of the leveling process and ensures that the instrument performs as intended.

What are advantages of population census?

there is no way to find the diadvantages, but here is one. Using a population will get you an accurate answer of what you are surveying.

Why do scientists make measurements?

to find accurate information

What are the advantages of an anallactic lens used in tacheometer?

An anallactic lens in a tacheometer allows for accurate measurements by compensating for the tilt of the instrument. This results in precise readings regardless of the vertical inclination of the tacheometer. It simplifies the leveling process and helps maintain accuracy in surveying tasks.