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The most common tool used to draw straight lines is the age old ruler. If you don't have a ruler you can also substitute it with any straight edge found nearby.

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Q: Which instrument can help to draw straight lines?
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How do you draw a straight line form any point to another?

You can draw straight lines with the help of a ruler or anything with a straight edge.

How do you use a grid to help you draw something?

Truthfully, grids help to draw straight lines, and beter accuracy.

What thing is sometimes on paper to help us write clearly?

A ruler or straight edge is sometimes used on paper to help write or draw straight lines.

Draw a square with two straight lines?

cant do that here, but construction number one at this link will help you figure it out.

This technique often uses a very obvious linear arrangement to create a focal point.?

The technique you are referring to is called leading lines. Leading lines are used to draw the viewer's eye towards a specific focal point in a photograph by using strong, obvious lines in the composition. These lines can be straight or curved and help create depth and visual interest in the image.

How can I create an easy ruler drawing?

To create an easy ruler drawing, simply place a ruler on your paper and use it as a guide to draw straight lines or measure distances accurately. This will help you achieve precise and neat drawings with ease.

How do you draw white hair with a pencil?

use light shade and then draw lines with a pointed hard eraser or can use kneaded eraser.. hope this will help :)

Definition hidden line?

Hidden lines are broken lines that indicate the lines not seen in a certain perspective.

How does tracing a figure help you find lines of symmetry?

You can find lines of symmetry without tracing but tracing helps you get a better picture of it.

The tools used to draw vertical and oblique lines?

A protractor can help you do this. It has a bar that swings and can measure certain angles.

How do you draw horizontal lines?

if you think of the horizon which goes from left to right then that will help you draw a horizontal line.a ruler is also good for making the line strait line, haha lol

Why do soldiers draw lines on their faces?

Camo paint is used to help with camoflauge in certain areas. Darker stripes also help reduce glare by 10 to 20%.