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Q: Which interval notation represents the set of all numbers greater than or equal to 5 and less than 12?
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Write an interval notation?

Interval notation is a method of writing down a set of numbers. An example of this is all numbers that are greater than five.Ê

Which Interval notation represents the set of all real numbers Greater than 2 and less than or equal?

The answer to this is 2, and 0.

Which interval notation represents the set of all real numbers from -3 to 5 including 5 but not including -3?

It is (-3, 5].

Which interval notation represents the set of all real numbers from negative 3 to 5 but not including negative 3?

(-3, 5] = {x : -3 < x ≤ 5}

What is interval notation?

Interval notation uses the symbols [ and ( to indicate closed an open intervals. The symbols can be mixed so that an interval can be open on one side and close on the other. Given two real numbers, a, b we can have (a,b) which is the interval notation for all numbers between a and b not including either one. [a,b) all numbers between a and b including a, but not b. (a,b] all numbers between a and b including b, but not a. [a,b] all number between a and b including a and b.

The interval notation for the interval of real numbers?

There is more than one notation, but the open interval between a and b is often written (a,b) and the closed interval is written [a,b] where a and b are real numbers. Intervals may be half open or half closed as well such as [a,b) or (a,b]. For all real numbers, it is (-infinity,+infinity), bit use the infinity symbol instead (an 8 on its side).

What is a constant interval?

An interval that remains the same throughout a sequence

The term used to a way of writing the set of all real numbers between endpoints is?

Interval Notation

The set real numbers greater than or equal to 6?

{x| x ≥ 6} or the interval [6,∞).

What are the numbers that can be rounded off to 4.3?

Anything greater than or equal to 4.25 and less than 4.35

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64Improved Answer:-In today's notation of Roman numerals LXIX represents 69

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