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Q: Which is a scientific explanation of a natural phenomenon supported by many observations and experiment?
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What is an explanation based on many observations that are supported by experimental results?

scientific theory

What is making an educated guess on the results of an experiment based on observations and the hypothesis called?

the scientific method is called a deductive approachconclusionPrediction

What are the steps to Scientific Inquiry?

Scientific Inquiry is the ongoing process of discovery in Science. There are 8 steps to Scientific Inquiry.Observations - An observation is the process of using one or more of your sences to gather information. There are 2 types of observations. Qualitative observations and quantitative observations. A qualitative obervation is an observation that deals with characteristics that cannot be expressed in numbers. A quantitative is an observation that deals with a number, size, or amount and have a unit.Investigative Question (Scientific Question) - Pose a question for your observation.Hypothesis - a hypothesis is a possible explanation for a set of observations or answer to a scientific question that is testable. A hypothesis must be testable. This means scientists must be able to carry out investigations and gather evidence that will either support or disapprove a hypothesis.Organize experiment - create your experiment to test your hypothesis. Identify the Manipulated, Responding, and Controlled variables. Also make sure you have atleast 1 Operational Definition.Test your experiment - test your experiment to see if your hypothesis is true.Collect Data - Now you see what happens. Make a table or graph to record the data collected. Analyze the data after they have been collected.Conclusion - Consider if there are enough data to support or dis approve the hypothesis. It is also a summary of what you have learned from the experiment.Communicate - Share your ideas and experimental findings wiht others through writing or speaking.

A hypothesis is the correct explanation for some scientific question?

no a hypothesis is your guess of what the outcome is going to be in your experiment. For example. My experiment's question is to see what happens when I mix salt with water. My Hypothesis is the salt will float. Now the correct outcome is the salt sinked. I hope I helped you.

What process do scientist use to solve a problem during a scientific experiment?

Scientists use the scientific method, which is:

Related questions

What is A brief statement summarizing many observations of a physical phenomenon is called?

A brief statement summarizing many observations of a physical phenomenon is called a scientific theory. It is a well-established explanation for a wide range of observations based on evidence, experimentation, and analysis.

What is the purpose of the hypotheseis in a experiment?

The hypothesis (high-POTH-uh-suss) is a proposed scientific explanation of a phenomenon. It must be tested to determine if the explanation is true, or not.

What is a scientifical question?

A scientific question is one that can be answered by making observations and gathering evidence; one that can be investigate by scientific inquiry A scientific question is a type of question concerning something that is answerable with a scientific method, explanation or scientific experiment.

Explanation of natural phenomenon supported by a large body of scientific evidence obtained from many different investigations and observations?

A hypothesis or (when more thoroughly examined) a theory.

With what can hypothesis be tested Experiment Observations Scientific Principles Scientific Thories?


How is a scientific description and explanation related?


What is observations and data on which a scientific explanation can be based?



A scientific question is one that can be answered by making observations and gathering evidence; one that can be investigate by scientific inquiry A scientific question is a type of question concerning something that is answerable with a scientific method, explanation or scientific experiment.

What part of a scientific experiment is the hypothesis?

The hypothesis is a proposed explanation for a phenomenon that can be tested through experiments. It is typically stated at the beginning of an experiment and serves as a basis for making predictions and designing the study.

What is posing a questions?

A scientific question is one that can be answered by making observations and gathering evidence; one that can be investigate by scientific inquiry A scientific question is a type of question concerning something that is answerable with a scientific method, explanation or scientific experiment.

What is the scientific definition of theory?

In science, a theory is a well-substantiated explanation that encompasses a wide range of observations, experimental results, and tested hypotheses. It provides a framework for understanding natural phenomena and making predictions about future observations.

Proposed scientific explanation for a set of observations?
