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Q: Which is an equation that gives the cost c of a ride of m miles where m is an integer?
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Original answer: Break-even = fixed cost/ (price - variable cost)Additional: This equation gives the answer as the number of units of the product.

What is cost equation?

its the cost of the equation its a bear

What equation is used to determine total cost?

The equation used to determine total cost is as follows: Total Cost = Fixed Cost + (Average Variable Cost) x Output. The equation to find total cost of a number ("q') of units is: C(q)= 100 + 2q.

How much will it cost to drive 997 miles and your car gets 7 miles per gallon and gas is 3.00 per gallon?

You need to divide the number of miles by the miles-per-gallon - that will give you the number of gallons you need. Then you can multiply that by the number of gallons.Note that the real cost of driving a car is more than just the cost of gasoline.

A 2-mile cab ride costs 4.25 A 7-mile cab ride costs 8.50 Which equation models the cost y of a cab ride thar is x miles?

A 2-mile cab ride costs 4.25 A 7-mile cab ride costs 8.50 Which equation models the cost y of a cab ride thar is x miles?Read more: A_2-mile_cab_ride_costs_4.25_A_7-mile_cab_ride_costs_8.50_Which_equation_models_the_cost_y_of_a_cab_ride_thar_is_x_miles

What would be the cost for gasoline if you traveled 800 miles and gas cost 1.80 per gallon while your car gets twenty-two miles to the gallon?

Answer: $ 65.45 Here is why: 800 miles X 1 gallon/22 miles gives us 36.36 gallons of gas used for the trip Now multiply that by 1.80 dollars/gallon and we have 65.45 dollars

A car rental company charges 25 dollars a day plus 35 cents a mile to rent a car What linear equation could determine the cost to rent a car for one day?

Cost = $ 25.00 + (Miles driven * $ 0.35) So there is your answer!

How do you write the equation for the accounting cost function?

Cost = Fixed + (variable x units)

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What is the equation of net benefit?

The equation for net benefit is: Net Benefit = Total Benefit - Total Cost

Equation for marginal cost and average cost?

Marginal cost - the derivative of the cost function with respect to quantity. Average cost - the cost function divided by quantity (q).