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Q: Which is an extra precaution smaller fishing boatscanoes and kayaks must take to remain visible to their larger counterparts?
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Which is an extra precaution smaller fishing boats canoes and kayaks must take to remain visible to their larger counterparts?

Travel close to larger boats so they can more easily see you

What are two disadvantages small refrigerators have over their full size counterparts?

Smaller refrigerators fit into smaller spaces and are a lot cheaper to purchase than their larger, full size counterparts. These days, with houses becoming smaller it is easier to find space for smaller furniture and appliances.

Are fishing boats the best boats to fish with?

There are a number of different types of fishing boat available on the market depending on what type of fishing you want to do. Smaller fishing boats are better for short trips to catch fish such as Makrel or Sea Bass.

Where do you get the smaller fish to feed the pufferfish on club penguih?

When you are ice fishing(if that's what you mean) keep your last fish on the fishing pole and feed it to the big fish.That's where to get the bait.

What are fishing boats made out of?

Traditional fishing boats would be made from wood. Fibreglass may be used in smaller fishing vessels up to 25 metres (100 tons). While steel is used on vessels above 25 metres.

What is the name given to a smaller body of water that allows the protection of fishing vessels from the rougher waters?

A harbour.

What fish will go after goldfish while fishing?

well a shark because a gold fish is a smaller enemy

What problem did the south face due to its smaller?

It's a myth that southern gentlemen were any smaller than their northern counterparts. Feelings of inadequacy came from a lack of industry and fewer men; the size of their manhood had nothing to do with their final defeat.

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Generally, leaves of desert plants are smaller than their counterparts elsewhere. However, their is no particular size unless you specify a particular species of plant

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Micro foods are smaller, baby herbs or greens used in salads and as garnishes. Micro foods are oftentimes more concentrated in flavor than their adult counterparts.

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How were the Australian women involved on the homefront in the Vietnam War?

Australian women mirrored their counterparts in the US, but at a smaller level, based on the population level of Australia's 16 million people at the time.