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The Celsius degree (which is also the Kelvin) is equal to 1.8 Fahrenheit degrees.

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Q: Which is greater -a 1 degree rise in the celsius scale or a 1degree rise in Fahrenheit scale?
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Which has a greater difference in temperature Celsius degree or Fahrenheit degree?

Celsius degrees are larger than Fahrenheit degrees.

What is greater - a 1 degree rise in the Celsius scale or a 1 degree rise in Fahrenheit scale?

A 1 degree rise in the Celsius scale is equivalent to a 1.8 degree rise in the Fahrenheit scale. Therefore, a 1 degree increase in Fahrenheit is greater than in Celsius.

Why is one degree Celsius greater then one degree Fahrenheit?


Which is greater an increasein temperature of one degree celsius or one degree Fahrenheit?

An increase in temperature of one degree Celsius is greater than an increase in temperature of one degree Fahrenheit. This is because the Celsius scale has a larger degree increment than the Fahrenheit scale.

Is a degree centigrade greater than a degree Fahrenheit?

No, a degree Celsius is not greater in value than a degree Fahrenheit. In fact, both temperature scales have different zero points and do not equate at the same value.

Which is hotter 1degree Celsius or 1degreefarhenheit?

1 degree Celsius is hotter than 1 degree Fahrenheit. This is because the Celsius scale is based on the freezing and boiling points of water (0°C and 100°C), whereas the Fahrenheit scale is based on the freezing point of water at 32°F and boiling point at 212°F.

What is greater 150 degree Fahrenheit and 100 degrees Celsius?

100 degrees Celsius.

1 degree Fahrenheit equal what degree Celsius?

1 degree Fahrenheit is equal to approximately -17.22 degrees Celsius.

What is 911 Fahrenheit in celsius?

911 degree Fahrenheit = 488.3333333 degree Celsius.

What is 450 Celsius in Fahrenheit?

450 degree Celsius = 842 degree Fahrenheit

What is 99.4 Fahrenheit into Celsius?

99.4 degree Fahrenheit = 37.4444444 degree Celsius

Is one degree celsius hotter than 1 degree Fahrenheit?

Yes, one degree Celsius is equivalent to 1.8 degrees Fahrenheit. This means that one degree Celsius is hotter than one degree Fahrenheit.