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Kilo means "multiply by 1000" so 1 kiloHertz = 1000 Hertz

Now you can work out which one is the greater in size.

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Q: Which is greater a hertz or kilohertz?
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Related questions

How many hertz are in kilohertz?

There are 1000 hertz in a kilohertz. Kilohertz is a unit of frequency equivalent to 1000 hertz.

Can you use the the term kiha hertz for kilo hertz?

No, kilohertz is kHz.

Whats is the full form of khz?

The full form of kHz is kilohertz which is equal to 103 hertz. One can find more information on kilohertz online at Wikipedia. There one will find a further information on how and why kilohertz are used.ANS 2 - Kilo hertz is 1,000 Hertz ( As is anything with Kilo in front)

30 HZ equals how many KHZ?

30 Hz is equal to 0.03 kHz. This conversion is done by dividing the frequency in Hertz by 1000.

Convert hertz per seconds squared to kilohertz per hours squared?

Conversion: hertz per seconds squared x 12,960 = kilohertz per hours squared

What is the meaning of the term kilohertz?

The term Kilohertz, or kHz is a measurement of frequency equal to 1,000 hertz. Kilohertz is unit of measurement for alternating current, audio signals, and a measurement of wireless signals.

The frequency of sound vibrations is measured in?

Same as any other frequency: in Hertz, or some multiple, like kilohertz.

A kilohertz is how many cycles per second?

Kilo means thousand, and hertz is the same as cycle per second. Therefore, a kilohertz is the same as 1000 cycles per second.

The unit used to measure frequency is the?

hertz One hertz equals one cycle per second. One kilohertz equals one thousand cycles per second.

When do you have an ultra sound?

Ultrasound is cyclic sound pressure with a frequency greater than the upper limit of human hearing. This frequency varies from person to person, it is approximately 20 kilohertz (20,000 hertz). This is the lower limit in describing ultrasound.

How do you convert KHz into Hz?

To convert kilohertz (KHz) into hertz (Hz), you multiply the value in kilohertz by 1000. For example, if you have 5 KHz, you would calculate 5 KHz * 1000 = 5000 Hz.

Which is greater a kilohertz or megahertz?

Megahertz. Kilo = 1000. Mega =1,000,000