Highest 2-digit number = 99 Highest 1-digit number = 9 Highest possible sum from 2, 2-digit numbers = 198 Highest possible sum from 2, 1-digit numbers = 18
987654321 is the highest nine-digit number with no repeated digits.
Highest number is 7
The diference between the highest 4 digit number and the lowest 3 digit number is 9999 Highest 4 digit: 9999 Lowest 3 digit: 000
The highest place value in a decimal number is the left most digit, also the first digit.
The highest four-digit prime number is 9,973.
Lowest four-digit number: 1000 Highest four-digit number: 9999
Highest 2-digit number = 99 Highest 1-digit number = 9 Highest possible sum from 2, 2-digit numbers = 198 Highest possible sum from 2, 1-digit numbers = 18
987654321 is the highest nine-digit number with no repeated digits.
Highest number is 7
The diference between the highest 4 digit number and the lowest 3 digit number is 9999 Highest 4 digit: 9999 Lowest 3 digit: 000
The highest place value in a decimal number is the left most digit, also the first digit.
The highest two-digit prime number is 97. Out of that group, the highest (and only) prime number is 71.