A millimetre is 1 thousandth of a metre, so 1,000 metres contain 1,000x1,000 millimetres. That is 1,000,000 millimetres compared with your 10,000 so 1,000metres is 100 times larger.
No, there are 1000 millimetres (mm) in a metre (m)
10 m = 10000 mm
1 m = 1000 mm, so multiply by (1000 mm/m) --> (1000 mm/m) x (0.365 m) = 365 mm, note how the units cancel.
1 meter is 1000 milimeters to change from mm to m, you divide mm by 1000 to change from m to mm, you times m by 1000, as you get 1000mm for every 1m
M=1000. Therefore: M+M=1000+1000, so MM=2000.
No, there are 1000 millimetres (mm) in a metre (m)
By unit of length and distance and conversion ,we can say that 1 m =1000 mm 10 m=10000 mm 10000 mm >9000 mm 10 m >9000 m
The meter is the larger unit (1 m = 1000 mm). 4 millimeters would only be 2/1000 (0.002) of 2 meters.
1000 mm = 1 m
10 m = 10000 mm
Metres (m) is the larger measurement: 1 m is equal to 1000 millimetres (mm).
1 m = 1000 mm, so multiply by (1000 mm/m) --> (1000 mm/m) x (0.365 m) = 365 mm, note how the units cancel.
1 meter is 1000 milimeters to change from mm to m, you divide mm by 1000 to change from m to mm, you times m by 1000, as you get 1000mm for every 1m
The prefix milli- means one thousandth (1/1000) → 7500 mm = 7500 × 1/1000 m = 7.5 m -------------------------------------------------------------- 1000 mm = 1 m → 7500 mm = 7500 ÷ 1000 m = 7.5 m
M=1000. Therefore: M+M=1000+1000, so MM=2000.
since 1000 mm =1 m, then .015 mm = .015/1000 = .000015 m
There are 1000 millimeters(mm) in one meter(m) There are 1/1000 m in 1 mm