8 feet, which is 96 inches.
Convert both fractions to a common denominator (for example, with a denominator of 80, which is 8 x 10), then compare. 3/8 becomes 30/80 and 7/10 becomes 56/80, and you can see easily that 7/10 is larger.
Three and 8 thousandths in decimal form is 3.008
The eight in 6.178 is in the thousandths place, and has a value of eight thousandths, or 8/1000.
80 of them.
8 feet= 8x12 which is 96. 96 inches is greater than 80 inches, so 8 feet is larger than 80 inches.
8 feet, which is 96 inches.
No. As a general rule, factors cannot be larger than the number they are being compared to. 80 is a multiple of 8. 8 is a factor of 80.
8 thousandths written in percent = 8%8 thousandths = 0.080.08 * 100%= 8%
0.08. 0.076 is 76 thousandths and 0.08 is 8 hundredths. I hope this helped:)
80 thousandths of an inch or 2mm
Eighty five and eighty three thousandths.
Make the lower number the same 0.7 = 7/10 = 56/80 5/8 = 50/80 so 0.7 is larger than 5/8 (as 56 is larger than 50)
Convert both fractions to a common denominator (for example, with a denominator of 80, which is 8 x 10), then compare. 3/8 becomes 30/80 and 7/10 becomes 56/80, and you can see easily that 7/10 is larger.