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Q: Which is more important gross words or net words per minute?
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You type 60 words per minute and Sarah types 80 words per minute how much faster are you?

you are not faster, you are slower, Sarah types 20 more words in a minute than you do.

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Why is it important to achieve a high gross margin?

The higher the gross margin the more profit you can make. Gross margin is the difference between cost and original sell price of a product. it is you the original conceived profit. Obviously the higher the gross margin the more profit possible. (That is as long as a customer will pay that price!!)

What is the length of a unit in Morse code?

This varies with the word per minute rate of the sender, the more words per minute the shorter the "dit" time.

How do you compare keystrokes per minute to typing words per minute?

Key strokes per minute is a far more accurate way of measuring the speed of someone typing. Words can be 1 to fifteen or more letters, that makes a difference. Examples:- "I" counts as one word and it counts as one keystroke. "contraindicated" would count as only one word, but it counts as fifteen keystrokes.

Is 254 a good keystroke per minute?

It is impossible for anybody to be able to type 254 words per minute, especially if you were writing an essay or something. According to Wikipedia, the fastest average is 40 words per minute. If you could type 254 words per minute, you are some kind of superhuman. To learn more about the average speed people can type, go to the link below.

How many words per minute can a fast typer type?

A professional typist types a lot of words per minute because their jobs depend on it. Many type between 60 and 75 words per minute if not more. It is possible to build your typing speed by practicing and taking advantage of speed typing tests.

How many words per minute can a teacher type?

Obviously, the number of words one can type per minute varies GREATLY. This is all on how skilled a person is. 40 WPM is average, 60+ is good, 80-100 is professional, and over 100 is elite. Of course, these are MY standards.

Is a minute or hour more precise?

A minute

How many words is a 4 5 minute speech?

A good rate to speak is about 150 two syllable words per minute (four syllable words count as two words). So a 4-5 minute speech should be around 600-700 words or about two typed pages. If you using slides or power point then about 400 words will be enough. The more you prepare the better you will be. If you nervous you will tend to speak faster so remember to speak clearly and not too fast.

What is the average shorthand speed per minute?

The average shorthand speed is around 80-100 words per minute. Some experienced professionals can reach speeds of 120 words per minute or more. Speed can vary depending on the individual's skill level and the complexity of the content being transcribed.

What is the definition for a type of writing in which the meaning and sound of words is especially important?

The meaning of words is always important if you have something important to say (perhaps it is not important in texting), but when the sound of the words in considered then what we are getting into is poetry. Poetic language tries to be more evocative, more powerful than ordinary language while at the same time considering the rhythm and sound consistency of the words.