An empty set is considered a finite set because it contains zero (0) elements and zero is a finite number.
Because its still a set, although its empty or nothing in that set {} {0} * * * * * The second example above is NOT of an empty set: it is the set that contains the number zero.
It is a set which contains a finite number of elements.
There are five of them, also known as Peano's axioms:0 is a number.If n is a number then n's successor is a number.0 is not the successor of a number.If two numbers have successors that are equal then the numbers themselves are equal.If S is a set that contains 0 and also the successor of every number that is in S then every number is in S.
The answer is 0 because anything multiplied by 0 is 0. This can be established using the set theory. If each set contains 8 units, but you have no sets at all (0), then you have 0 units. No matter how large a set is, having no sets means that you have no units.
You can't really compare that, since zero is not a set. The null set (empty set), which can be written as {}, is a set with zero elements. A set that only contains the number zero, in symbols {0}, contains one element. It is not the same as the empty set.
An empty set is considered a finite set because it contains zero (0) elements and zero is a finite number.
Because its still a set, although its empty or nothing in that set {} {0} * * * * * The second example above is NOT of an empty set: it is the set that contains the number zero.
After the null set, the set containing only the number 0 ie {0}.
It is a set which contains a finite number of elements.
The LCM is not defined for any set of numbers that contains a zero.
0 is the only number which is in the set of whole number but not in the natural number
There are five of them, also known as Peano's axioms:0 is a number.If n is a number then n's successor is a number.0 is not the successor of a number.If two numbers have successors that are equal then the numbers themselves are equal.If S is a set that contains 0 and also the successor of every number that is in S then every number is in S.
The answer is 0 because anything multiplied by 0 is 0. This can be established using the set theory. If each set contains 8 units, but you have no sets at all (0), then you have 0 units. No matter how large a set is, having no sets means that you have no units.
No. Zero is a number, so the "set of zero" contains one element. The empty set, also known as the null set, contains no elements.