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Q: Which is right in as much as or inasmuch as?
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Inasmuch as or in as much as?

Both "inasmuch as" and "in as much as" are used to introduce a reason or explanation for something. "Inasmuch as" is more formal and archaic, while "in as much as" is more commonly used in modern English. Both can be used interchangeably to convey the same meaning.

How i a rectangle and right triangle alike?

They are alike inasmuch that a rectangle can be split into two right angle triangles

The square is the most specialized quadrilateral?

Yes, inasmuch that it is a regular quadrilateral having 4 equal sides and 4 equal right angles.

What is another word for inasmuch?


Write a sentence with inasmuch as?

Inasmuch as there has been a weakening of the demarcation between the domestic and the international, globalization has reduced the rigidity of national boundaries.

Is the word inasmuch spelled as one word or three words?

three words

Do all rhombuses are parallelograms?

A rhombus is a special parallelogram in its own right inasmuch it has 4 equal sides and 2 diagonals that intersect at 90 degrees

How is a rectangle and a rhombus the same?

They are both the same inasmuch that they are both 4 sided quadrilaterals.

Is 4.67 more than 4.670?

No because they are both the same inasmuch that: 4.67 = 4.670

Will a rhombus ever have perpendicular sides?

No, a rhombus that isn't a square will never have perpendicular sides, but its diagonals are perpendicular inasmuch that they intersect each other at right angles.

Did the Three Stooges change life?

Yes , in a way , inasmuch that they were influential upon other comedians .

Is it legal for a flea market owner to sell the same products as their vendors?

Inasmuch as the owner is the landlord of the vendor and controls the property, they can pretty much do what they wish - UNLESS - they have signed a non-competition contract with one another.