the answer is 1/8
Seven hundred fourteen thousand, eight hundred seventy-five.
Asking what one eighth of twenty-seven is, is basically the same as asking what twenty-seven divided by eight is, and therefore the answer is '3.375'. I have put the answer in inverted commas so that it does not look like the fullstop is a second decimal point.
Eighty-five thousand, seven hundred fourteen and two thousand, eight hundred fifty-seven ten-thousandths.
In words 14,807 is fourteen thousand, eight hundred and seven.
Eight hundred fourteen billion, seven hundred forty million.
the answer is 1/8
There probably won't be an eight book. The main story, at least, ends with book seven.
Fourteen and eight hundred ninety-seven thousandths in number form is 14.897
{| |- | 0.374531835 |}
seven over eight
154 (there is only one least common multiple)
The LCM is: 182
Two sevens is bigger than one eighth. One seventh is bigger than one eighth. seven times eight is 56 and two times eight is sixteen. So two sevens is equal to sixteen fifty sixths. One eighth is only equal to seven fifty sixths