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Modernists believed order was possible, but Postmodernists questioned it.

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Q: Which is true about Modernists and Postmodernists?
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What is true about modernists and postmodernists?

Modernists believed order was possible, but post modernists questioned it.

Which is something modernists believed the postmodernists did not?

Modernists believed in the idea of progress and the existence of universal truths, which postmodernists rejected.

What is something postmodernists believed that modernists did not?

That Humans could create an orderly society. ~

Which is something modernists and postmodernists writers have in common?

both are concerned about their place in society - apex (;

The modern era which both modernists and postmodernists agree had lost its ability to hold society together was an attempt to?

solve the issues of a society through human reason and logic.

What is one difference in the way modernist and postmodernist viewed older art forms?

Modernists believed that older art forms were no longer useful; Postmodernists believed that older are forms should be made fun of.

What is true of postmodernism or postmodernists?

Postmodernism and postmodernists are highly skeptical of explanations which claim to be valid for all groups, cultures, traditions, or races, and instead focuses on the relative truths of each person. Through the use of reason and logic, human beings are likely to change themselves and their societies for the better.

Which is something postmodernists believed that modernists did not?

That humans could create an orderly society

Which form is more in the line with the thoughts of postmodernists autobiography or memoir?

Memoir is the form that is more in line with the thoughts of postmodernists.

What points are postmodernists trying to make by blurring the lines between fiction and nonfiction?

that what is true doesn’t have to be based on reality (apex)

Who was One of the major Modernists painters was?


Which belief did modernists share?

culture is broken