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The parker's are installing a wooden fence ini their backyard. The have 330 feet of wood. The length can be no more than 90 feet. Write and solve an inequality to find the maximum width of the fence

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Q: Which justice was known as the Great Dissenter?
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Who was known as the great dissenter on the supreme court?

The great dissenter is John Marshall Harlan of the Supreme Court. He was a lawyer and a judge for much of his life and died in 1911.

Who was the Great Dissenter in Philippines?

The Great Dissenter in the Philippines refers to former Chief Justice Florentino Feliciano. He was known for his strong dissents in various landmark cases that showcased his independence and deep understanding of constitutional law. His opinions often differed from the majority but were highly respected for their legal reasoning and principles.

Was john winthrop a dissenter of puritan conformity?

he was a dissenter

According to legend how was the Pythagorean dissenter put to death?

There was a dissenter named Hippasus who was a Pythagorean dissenter. They threw him overboard and left him to drown.

What is a seven letter word for religious dissenter?

A seven letter word for religious dissenter is heretic.

What is a sole dissenter?

A sole dissenter is roughly someone who does not agree with others and is strict about his thoughts for everyone to listen

Which mughal emperor is known for his sense of justice?

Akbar the Great, the third Mughal Emperor, is renowned for his commitment to justice. He implemented policies that promoted religious tolerance, abolished discriminatory taxes, and established a fair legal system known as "Sulh-i-kul" or universal peace. Akbar's efforts in ensuring justice for all his subjects earned him the title of Akbar the Great.

What is a good sentence using the word dissenter?

The members of the opposition party were pure dissenters. This is a sample sentence containing the word dissenter.

What are some examples of dissenter?

Rosa Parks

A person whose views differ from others?

A dissenter

Who was a puritan dissenter banned from Massachusetts?

Roger Sherman

Who is an individual who disagreed or has a difference of opinion is referred to as?
