

Best Answer

mm (10^-3) is most common used it varies on what your measuring eg km wont measure a 50cent coin

and pm wont measure a football field

Basic Metric system

10^12 - Tera

10^9 - Giga

10^6 - Mega

10^3 - Kilo

10 - Unit

10^-1 - deci

10^-2 - centi

10^-3 - milli

10^-6 - micro

10^-9 - nano

10^-12 - pico

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Q: Which length measurement is the most precise?
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What is a millimetre in length?

a mm is a tenth of a cm. This makes it a thousanth of a metre. It is a small and precise unit of measurement.

Why is a cubit not a measurement used today?

Since it was based on the length of a forearm, it wasn't precise enough or standardized.

Which unit of measurement is best for accurately mesuring the length of these eggs?

Using millimeters would be the best option for accurately measuring the length of eggs. It provides a precise and detailed measurement compared to centimeters or inches.

How do you determine which measurement is precise?

Choose the one with the most decimal places.

A measurement is precise if?

It is precise if it is repeatable.

Is it true that an answer is as precise as the most precise measurement from which it was calculated?

Yes, the precision of an answer depends on the precision of the measurements used in the calculation. The number of significant figures in the answer should match the least number of significant figures in the measurements.