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Q: Which letter is used to represent resistance in a equation?
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What is a letter used to represent a number in an equation called?

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Which letter is used to represent resistance in equations?

sd ad ps fd

What is a letter used to represent a numeric value in an expression or an equation?

It can be any letter of any alphabet: Roman, Greek.

Resistance in a circuit and in ohms law is represented by the letter?

The letter R is used to represent resistance. For instance, the R in a circuit is said to be 52 ohms. Just that simple.

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In a periodic equation a triangle can be used to represent the given change of something.

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Answer:"M" stood for the Modulus of slope.Origin:It is from the french word Monter

What is omega mean in electrical engineering?

in physics it meant Resistance..AnswerThe Greek letter, omega, is used in SI to represent the ohm. The symbol for the quantity, resistance, is a italicised, upper-case, R.

Letter used to represent a number?

A letter used to represent a number is a variable of sometimes a constant.

What letter symbol is used to represent current?

The letter 'I' is used to represent current. Its SI units are the ampere,(amps),(A).

What letter is used to represent electric currents in equations?

The letter "I" is typically used to represent electric currents in equations.

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The letter "c" is used to represent the speed of light in a vacuum in physics equations.