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Q: Which lines can be drawn through two given point?
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In Geometry

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Infinite lines because a circle has infinite lines of symmetry.

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How many lines can be drawn through one point?

uncountable lines can be drawn through one point.

How many lines can be drawn through both ends of point?

the answer is one

How many lines can be drawn in one point?

Infinite lines can be drawn from a point

Can a given point be in two lines?

A point has an infinite amount of lines passing through it.

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How many lines can cross a point?

An infinite number of lines can be drawn through a single point, but only one through two points (of course, if the points don't have the same coordinates).

How many lines can pass through A?

An infinite number of lines can pass through any given point.

How do you negate the euclidean parallel postulate?

Assume there are no lines through a given point that is parallel to a given line or assume that there are many lines through a given point that are parallel to a given line. There exist a line l and a point P not on l such that either there is no line m parallel to l through P or there are two distinct lines m and n parallel to l through P.

How many lines can be drawn by one point?

A line consists of infinitely many points which all satisfy some condition. In that respect, one point or even a trillion points do not make a line. There are infinitely many lines that can be drawn through one point.