No. If two angles are congruent they have the same measure. But that measure can be anything.
An equilateral triangle
An equilateral triangle
3rd quartile = 75th percentile and so is "better".
Yes, the 1st of May and the 25th of December are always on the same day of the week.Yes, the 1st of May and the 25th of December are always on the same day of the week.Yes, the 1st of May and the 25th of December are always on the same day of the week.Yes, the 1st of May and the 25th of December are always on the same day of the week.Yes, the 1st of May and the 25th of December are always on the same day of the week.Yes, the 1st of May and the 25th of December are always on the same day of the week.Yes, the 1st of May and the 25th of December are always on the same day of the week.Yes, the 1st of May and the 25th of December are always on the same day of the week.Yes, the 1st of May and the 25th of December are always on the same day of the week.Yes, the 1st of May and the 25th of December are always on the same day of the week.Yes, the 1st of May and the 25th of December are always on the same day of the week.
If the 25th of April is a Sunday, then Christmas Day in the same year is always a Saturday.
The Median is the same as the 50th percentile of a distribution.
Christmas always comes on the same date, December 25th. Christmas does not, however, always come on the same day. Christmas can fall on any day of the week.
Great Britain and Portugal are always on the same time.
No. If two angles are congruent they have the same measure. But that measure can be anything.
No. No. No. No.
The same as they've always done, they measure temperatures.
An equilateral triangle