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Q: Which methods for making a proof does not involve the negation of a statement?
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What are the importance of quantitative methods in decision making?

what are the importance of quantitative techniques in managerial dicision making

What is an example of a counterexample?

an example of this is like taking a statement and making it negative, i think.... Such as, "All animals living in the ocean are fish." A counterexample would be a whale(mammal), proving this statement false.

Definition of quantitative Techniques and Name two major divisions in which you con divide these techniques?

Quantitative Techniques are those statistical and operation research techniques which help in the decision making process especially concerning business and industry. These techniques involve the introduction of the elements of quantities i.e. they involve the use of numbers, symbols and other mathematical expressions. two major divisions in which we can divide these techniques are- 1) Statistical Techniques (or Statistical methods and measures) 2) Programming Techniques (or Operations Research)

When you provide elaboration by making a statement and supporting it with multiple facts statistics and personal experiences you are .?

its not stating alternative solutions i got that wrong :(

What type of decay is shown in 238 94 Pu 4 2 He xyZ?

A very unlikely type of decay.Plutonium is found as isotopes with atomic weights in the range 238 to 244. Your equation seems to involve plutonium with another 39-78 neutrons! Making it an extremely unlikely (if not impossible) isotope.A very unlikely type of decay.Plutonium is found as isotopes with atomic weights in the range 238 to 244. Your equation seems to involve plutonium with another 39-78 neutrons! Making it an extremely unlikely (if not impossible) isotope.A very unlikely type of decay.Plutonium is found as isotopes with atomic weights in the range 238 to 244. Your equation seems to involve plutonium with another 39-78 neutrons! Making it an extremely unlikely (if not impossible) isotope.A very unlikely type of decay.Plutonium is found as isotopes with atomic weights in the range 238 to 244. Your equation seems to involve plutonium with another 39-78 neutrons! Making it an extremely unlikely (if not impossible) isotope.

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A non-moral statement is a statement that does not involve moral judgments or evaluations. It is a statement that simply describes a fact or situation without making any reference to moral principles or values.

Will both the direct and indirect methods produce the same cash flow from operating activities?

Yes direct and indirect methods are just different reporting styles and it doesn't means that by making cash flow statement from different methods may change the amount of cash flows.

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this will involve making sure your voice is well and making sure you can sing..

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Synthesis involves combining different elements or components to create a new whole. It often requires analyzing, interpreting, and integrating information from multiple sources to generate a coherent and comprehensive output.

is this statement true or false BC?

If the statement is false, then "This statement is false", is a lie, making it "This statement is true." The statement is now true. But if the statement is true, then "This statement is false" is true, making the statement false. But if the statement is false, then "This statement is false", is a lie, making it "This statement is true." The statement is now true. But if the statement is true, then... It's one of the biggest paradoxes ever, just like saying, "I'm lying right now."

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Making judgments about information

What are some ways that are used to gain muscle?

There are many methods one can employ to gain muscle. These generally involve making sure you eat healthy, do strength training exercise, and have a post workout meal that is high in protein.

What is the name for in law for the crime of making a false statement?

It is "making false statement to law enforcemant officer. TType your answer here...

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Chemical reactions involve the making and breaking?

chemical bonds