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Q: Which month does the state legislature start meeting each year?
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Which month does wa state legislature start meeting each year?

the legislators meet in january each year :)

Where did the first meeting of the state legislature take place?

in the past

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In what month does the Washington state legislature meet?

Washington's State legislature meets every January on the second Monday for 105 days Source: book "Washington, In the Pacific Northwest"

Why was Trenton NJ chosen as the capital?

It became the state capital in 1790 because as a center of commerce it was previously a regular meeting location of the state legislature.

What is the difference between the State Legislature and the US Congress?

The difference between the state legislature and the congerss is that the state legislature is state legislature while Congress is national legislature.

What was the Kentucky legislature?

Kentucky legislature is the State legislature of the u.s state of Kentucky

Who is responsible for dividing each state into the correct number of districts?

*State Legislature* *State Legislature*

Which state has a nonpartisan legislature?

Nebraska is the only state with a nonpartisan state legislature today.

Who submits a state budget to the legislature?

The Governor submits a state budget to the legislature:)

Who does State legislature's make laws for?

Every legislature makes laws for the citizens of its state.

What is the make up of the state legislature of Georgia?

what is the make-up of the state legislature of Georgia