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Q: Which nation uses about 60 percent of its land for farming?
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Which nation uses about 60 percent of its for farming?

India uses about 60 percent of its land for farming. Agriculture is a significant sector in India's economy, providing employment to a large portion of the population and contributing to the country's food security.

WHAT country uses about 50 percent of its land Farming?

India uses about 50 percent of its land for farming. Agriculture is a significant part of India's economy, with a large percentage of the population relying on farming for their livelihood.

What is the percentage of land being used for farming in Singapore?

Singapore only uses about three percent of it's land for farming, because of this they import 90% of their food.

What country uses 60 percent of its land for farming?

India uses approximately 60% of its land for agriculture and farming activities. Agriculture plays a significant role in India's economy and employs a large portion of the population.

What are uses of land?

for farming,building houses, schools

What are the three most common uses of land in Europe?

Commercial farming.

What are two important uses of land in Texas?

There are many important uses of land in Texas. Two of the major ones include farming, as well as drilling for oil.

What are two land uses in Australia?

Residential, farming, industrial, mining recreational,

What are 4 ways land is used in Mexico and percentage of each use?

In Mexico, land uses include as arable land, for permanent crops, and all other uses like pasture or meadows. The percentage of each is arable land is 12.98 percent, permanent crops is 1.36 percent, and for all other uses it is 85.66 percent.

What industry uses about 90 percent of iowa's land?


What are some important uses of land?

Well the main one would be farming, but you could build buildings in them?

What are the 3 major land uses in Poland?

Industry, farming and residential. (Forested areas would be a fourth.)