Any number can be divided by 9.
If the original number happens to be a multiple of 9, then the division will end evenly, without fraction or remainder.
Add the digits of the number. If that total is divisible by nine, so is the original number. Example: 12,345,678 The digits total 36. 36 is divisible by 9. So is 12,345,678.
The number nearest to 60 which will divide by 9 without a remainder is 63.
divide 5 into 9.
That's not possible. The largest single-digit number by which you might divide is 9. And, by definition, the remainder is always LESS than the number by which you divide. Thus, the largest remainder you can get, when you divide by 9, is 8.
Try long division.
once you get to a number you cant divide 9 into its called the remainder. so you put a small r on the side of the number like this example 46r9
If you divide 24 by 9, you do not get a whole number answer.
divide 5 into 9.
The number one.
That's not possible. The largest single-digit number by which you might divide is 9. And, by definition, the remainder is always LESS than the number by which you divide. Thus, the largest remainder you can get, when you divide by 9, is 8.
Try long division.
once you get to a number you cant divide 9 into its called the remainder. so you put a small r on the side of the number like this example 46r9