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there are many. for instance, 2.385 is halfway between 2.38 and 2.39

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Q: Which number is between 2.38 and 2.39?
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What is the mass number of the isotopes of plutonium?

The mass number of plutonium isotopes can vary depending on the specific isotope. Common plutonium isotopes include plutonium-238, plutonium-239, and plutonium-240, with mass numbers of 238, 239, and 240 respectively.

How is plutonium-239 produced in a reactor?

When a fast-moving neutron hits a nonfissionable uranium-238 (U-238) nucleus and is absorbed, an atom of fissionable plutonium-239 (Pu-239) is produced.

What is the Balanced nuclear equation for uranium 238 to plutonium 241?

U-238 undergoes neutron capture to form U-239 which decays to Np-239 and further to Pu-239. Pu-239 then undergoes beta decay to form Pu-241. The balanced nuclear equation is: U-238 + n --> U-239 --> Np-239 --> Pu-239 --> Pu-241.

What are the Connections between plutonium and uranium?

Plutonim is obtained from uranium by nuclear reactions: U 238 + 1 neutron → U 239 → Np 239→ Pu 239

Give the equation neutron interact with uranium?

92U-238 + 0n ------92U-239----- β ----- 93Np-239------ β --------94Pu-239

What fractions are between 0.125 and 0.24?

.126, .127, .128, ... , .238, .239, then .1251, .1252, .1253, ... and .12501, .12502, etc

How made it plutonium?

Plutonium is obtained in nuclear reactors:U-238(n,gamma).................U-239(beta)...................Np-239(beta).................Pu-239

How is plutonium madae?

Plutonium is obtained in nuclear reactors:U-238(n,gamma).................U-239(beta)...................Np-239(beta).................Pu-239

Where is plutonium obtained?

Plutonium is obtained in nuclear reactors:U-238(n,gamma).................U-239(beta)...................Np-239(beta).................Pu-239

What does plutonium create?

Plutonium is obtained in nuclear reactors:U-238(n,gamma).................U-239(beta)...................Np-239(beta).................Pu-239

How is plutonium synthesized?

Plutonium is primarily synthesized in nuclear reactors through the irradiation of uranium-238 with neutrons. Uranium-238 absorbs a neutron to become uranium-239, which then undergoes two beta decays to form plutonium-239. Plutonium is also produced as a byproduct in nuclear fission reactions.

When an extra neutron was added to Uranium-238 what is the name of the resulting Uranium-238 isotope?

Adding an extra neutron to Uranium-238 would result in Uranium-239, which is an unstable isotope that will undergo beta decay to form Neptunium-239.