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Q: Which numbers when added to -15 give a sum equal to 0?
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The sum is where two or more numbers are added together to give a total.

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a sum is equal to the two numbers being added together, so the sum of two and four is six or: 2+4 = 6

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The sum of two negative numbers will be more negative than either one of them. The sum cannot, therefore, be 16.

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There are none. Two odd numbers added together equal a even number.

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The result is called the sum of the two numbers. The operation of addition is commutative. This means that the addition of two numbers will give the same sum regardless of the order in which the numbers are added.

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That means two numbers, which when added together equal 5, e.g. 2 + 3 = 5

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I guess you want three odd numbers that, when added, give a sum of 30. That is not possible: if you add three odd numbers, the sum will always be odd.

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I think you worded your question wrong.. or im not seeing it. You mean ANY 2 numbers tha equal the sum of 28? 27 and 1? 26 and 2?

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The sum of the oxidation numbers in a neutral compound is equal to zero. This is because in a neutral compound, the total positive oxidation numbers are balanced by the total negative oxidation numbers to give a net charge of zero.